Harrison Francis' Bio (Profile)

Harrison Francis is the President of Harrison Francis Ministry, aka, Destiny Awareness Outreach. He is this end-time messenger with a prophetic, teaching, and healing gifts by the Holy Spirit.

The Mission Statement of his ministry states:
Directing people back to God's original plan for their lives, and raising them as leaders to fulfill God's purpose on the earth.

NOTE: If you don't discover your assignment in life, marry the right person for you (a suitable companion), and understand your spiritual status in Christ, you will not enjoy total dominion on the earth.

Avenues of his ministry:
1. School of Destiny- Destiny Awareness and Talent Awakening Institute (The educational arm of Harrison Francis Ministry)
2. Talk-show on Relationship, Health, and Career
3. Conferences
4. Church programs (Invitations from Churches and organizations)
5. Publications
6. Television, Radio, and Internet (Media)

He is an author with three books published in U.S.A with Trafford Publishing Company. Books titles are "Fulfilling your Destiny with ease", "Expressing the supernatural", and "Succeeding by the wings of God". You can buy them online at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, trafford.com, and many others. They have paperbacks and electronic copies (e-books).

His ministry has been a blessing to the Americans, Koreans, Philippines, Indians, and Africans. Watch his videos at www.vimeo.com/prophetharrison

To book Prophet Harrison Francis for conferences, seminars, Church programs and services, etc., please contact:

Phone: +2348137041783
Email: harrisonfrancis75@yahoo.com, daetoutreach@yahoo.com

The books' URL: http://harrisonenudi.wordpress.com/.

Click to buy the e-books at Amazon Store or visit our store here on this site.

Prophet Harrison is also a registered distributor of Herbalife products. You can, as well​, visit the link below for further enquiries: ​https://www.goherbalife.com/harrison-sabastine/en-US

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Prophet Harrison's Profile.
God is too faithful to fail. His faithfulness is our confidence
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